I had a dongle that was not functioning properly even when it was shown as Free in asterisk, it was a E171 dongle with firmware v21.x.

I also found that the Mode / Submode values are not important, my dongles work fine in 2G with mode/submode 3/3 or 0/0, and in 3G with mode/submode 5/4 or 0/0. There are some other hubs with this chipset which can be tested to confirm this. This USB hub uses VL812 chip which I think is the reason why its compatible with 2G dongles (needs to be verified). I suppose the operator stopped one of the antennas it had in our region which caused the weak signal problem. I noticed intermittent disconnects in the dongles, it was apparently due to weak 3g signal. I had four UMG1691 GSM dongles that I wanted to use with raspberry-asterisk. I managed to run 4 GSM donlges on RaspberryPi 4B+ in a stable production eventually although it was not an easy process.